Case Studies
Our Successes
For over a decade, we’ve been creating unique product sampling experiences for a diverse range of clients. We’ve helped our clients to be heard in the market and got brands speaking directly to their customers – through a combination of creative sampling strategists and a world-class team of promotional staff.
Fireball Blitz
Talent Tree team executed a bar blitz in 170 markets throughout the US in a single night, each market executed in 10 bars, each market had a lead and a brand ambassador, each activation included other administrative time totaling 26 hours per market/activation
Brand: Fireball
Markets Requested: 188, 170 executed
Talent Needed: 2 per activation (1 lead, 1 BA)
Hours Per Activation:
26 hrs (talent and agency billable hours - 1 night/10 bars)
Timeline: 11 days notice
Program Duration: one night blitz
Accounts Per Activation: 10 bars